Kinvaro S-35. Up-and-over flap system.
09.10Kinvaro S-35. Up-and-over flap system.
Not only does it permit the flaps of wall-mounted kitchen cabinets to open with the ultimate ease and close with gently damped motion: The Kinvaro S-35 also lifts flaps up at an angle above the cabinet and elegantly above cornices, pelmets and attached lights. From an angle of around 45°, the Kinvaro S-35 holds the flap firmly in any position, safely leaving the user with both hands free.
The spring force of the fitting can be adjusted with maximum ease both for lightweight natural wood flaps and for heavier versions in MDF or glass. The Kinvaro S-35 is also available for handle-free kitchens and for all popular fronts with narrow or wide wood or aluminum frames. Integrated Soft-close guarantees extremely quiet, gentle closing action.
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