Kinvaro L 80


Kinvaro  L 80

Kinvaro L-80. Parallel lift flap system.

Even heavy fronts open effortlessly and with elegant movement. Both in looks and design, the Kinvaro L-80 represents a movement system of a very special kind. Large, handle-free fronts open upwards in a smooth, even motion, with absolute precision and in parallel with the wall cabinet. This is made possible by the spring-assisted opening function of the Kinvaro L-80.

The closing action is another experience to behold: the integrated Soft-close damper system is fully adjustable and ensures a smooth and uniform closing action for all flap weights. Importantly: the front will remain in any required position – irrespective of flap weight and material. The flap can be made of wood, glass, MDF, with narrow or wide aluminum or wood frames – with L-80 you have the choice.

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